Lunar Revolution(农历) is the moon moves around the earth it takes 30 days.
Phases of The Moon(月相) is when the moon moves around the earth and sun it get's different shadow.
Waxing(盈) is when the moon become bigger.
New Moon(新月) is when the moon moves between sun and earth it make the dark shadow face to the earth we can't see anything.
Waxing Crescent(娥眉月) is after the new moon it is increasing but less than half.
First Quarter(上弦月) is when the new moon grow half of the moon.
Waxing Gibbous(盈凸月) is when the first quarter increasing and more than half.
Full Moon(滿月) is when you see the moon facing to you.
Waning(亏) is when the moon become smaller.
Waning Gibbous(虧凸月) is after the full moon the light of the moon decrease.
Third Quarter Moon(下弦月) is when the moon is at 90 degree angle to the earth and sun.
Waning Crescent Moon(殘月) is when the moon very small and almost gone.

Our topic is phases of the moon. Lunar revolution is the moon moves around the earth is takes 30 days. when the moon moves around the earth and sun, it gets different shadow this call the Phases of the moon. when the moon grow become bigger this call Waxing. New moon is when the moon moves between sun and earth the moon block the sunlight is make dark shadow we can't see anything in the earth. After the new moon it is increasing but less than half this call the Waxing crescent.when the moon grow half this call the First quarter. when the first quarter increasing and more than half this call the waxing gibbous. when you see the moon facing to you this call the Full moon. when the moon become smaller this call the Waning. After the full moon the light of the moon decrease this call the Waning gibbous. the Third quarter moon is when the moon is at 90 degree angle to the earth and sun. After the third quarter moon is Waning crescent moon because the moon is very small and almost gone.
moon phase_koyuki from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.
I think the movement of earth and the moon is when the moon moves around the earth and the sun it get's different phases of the moon. also affect the oceans because the ocean face to the moon side when the moon moves around the earth the ocean follow the moon moves.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I think i enjoy most about this project is search the information about my topic because i didn't know anything about my topic before.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me during this project is making the video because we need to plan what goes first and how to make the video looks the best in our class.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learn when the moon moves around the earth it take 30 days and have different faces.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain. No, because our group working together and help each other. team work!!!
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